All you need for felting is wool, water and soap - and your hands. Yes, that's it!

My lock project exhibited at the Annual Vienna Felting Festival

Do you see the difference between the locks? Isn't it fascinating?

For my felt paintings, I prefer Bergschaf and Maori wool, but there are many more options for other felting projects, weaving and spinning - f.i. Jacob, Bluefaced Leicester, Wensleydale, Manx Loaghtan, Falkland, Corriedale, Shetland, Kap-Merino, Chubut, Drente Heideschaap... The different textures are fascinating, and I use each material when it's properties are required.

Book: 'Light in the Landscape' by Peter Watson

with kind permission of the author

Felting means to get involved with the natural substance wool, you get grounded, patient and even keep your fitness.

Creating felt pictures, or 'painting with wool' is a slow process that requires practice, persistence, and focus.

A felt painting doesn't have to be robust in the first place, although it's advisable. Sometimes a motif looks perfect before it is completely fulled. As soon as your work meets your imagination, you can call it finished.

Various objects (ferns, grass, bark, feathers) that may not be suitable for heavily used everyday objects can be incorporated in felt paintings.